What do you do when you do not know what to do 1?

Have you ever experienced those moments, where it looks like you are alone and all by yourself? When it looks like you are carrying the weight of the world? Or you seem to be singled out for troubles?

I have had situations and events happen, that really pushed me. I mean, push me to the wall. Times when you pray and say God “I know you know what you are doing but I do not see the total picture”.

There are moments when I say to God, “I know you are good and everything you do is good but everything around me is saying the opposite”. Times when I know the right scripture for the situation and somewhere inside me, I know it is going to be alright; however, what I see is a million miles away from what I know in my heart.

Sometimes, I am able to pray but at other times, I just speak to God without it sounding like prayer. Other time, I just like to stare at the TV so the moments could fly away.

I often go back to notes I had taken earlier and they are usually very helpful and reassuring but then that voice on my shoulder starts shouting all the negative stuff again.

My candid opinion based on previous experiences is that, God is too good to sit down in heaven and watch the devil mess up my life. I usually say to myself that all things work together for the good of those that love God.

While meditating recently, I had a very great revelation – there is nothing new under heaven! (That in itself is not a new revelation). And as the adage goes, “Saying that you have never heard of / seen such a thing before, is just a means of scaring the victim”.

At the end of the day, I won’t be the first and neither will I be the last. If other people have gone through it before and they do not have two heads, I will certainly go through. It shall come to pass.

It occurred to me that nothing lasts forever. Life is in seasons. After every winter comes spring. It looks like there is nothing we can do about the change in cycle… we can only align ourselves with it i.e. use it for our good. As the saying goes, it is not what happens to us but what we make out of it that counts.

Whatever, your list or issue, someone, somewhere has been through that same thing, and has come out on the other side. However, you will only come out on the other side if you keep on pressing on.

To be continued…

What am I here for?


Lately, I have been pondering over some issues which led me to ask some questions. As I thought more about them, I realised that I am not alone in the quest for answers. We live in a world filled with questions, and in addition to those that are running inside of us, the environment and society also throw some at us.

There are three categories of questions:

  • Those we have answers to
  • Those we do not have the answers to but can get from others
  • Those that no one on earth has the answers to

As I started this write up, it dawned on me that no one has all the answers – the day a mortal has all the answers in the world, he stops needing God. I do not have all the answers and I will not pretend to, but I hope to achieve one or all of the following, through this medium:

  • Stir you up to seek for the answers that are relevant to you
  • Seek for answers from those that might have a bit of insight
  • Get us all to exchange ideas
  • Hopefully provide information that will come in handy for others that are not yet asking questions

One of the questions that I have asked (and I am still asking) is: What is this life all about? What am I here for?

In my search for an answer, I read the book “Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren. If you have not read it, I recommend that you please get a copy and read. From God’s word and the book, I got a few points:

  • God created us and He had a plan and reason for allowing you to come to the world and at a time like this
  • God never makes a mistake and you are not a mistake
  • Everything that has happened to you and is happening to you is part of the whole picture/show – even the bad experiences are all working together for your good
  • You will never find a meaning outside of God
  • God has brought you to this world to solve a problem
  • You are unique and special – so no point comparing yourself to another
  • Your assignment is also unique and different – so no need trying to do it the way others have.
  • Greatness lies in you
  • You were made and wired up for connecting with others especially God’s people

While I do not intend to shove the content of the book down your throat, it is my strong belief that we all need to take time out, and ask this all important question: Why am I here?

It looks like we have a different problem in this age – now we know so much yet do very little about what we know. We know what we should do but we often do not do those things. It is the third month of 2009 and the question is where will you and I be by the end of the year? Closer to our purpose/dream or further? To be closer to our purpose, we need to know what our purpose is and take steps towards fulfilling our purpose.

The type of questions you and I ask will determine the kind of answers we will get. While yesterday is gone, and today is going; tomorrow is still there for us to start living our dreams and walking in purpose. If you have found your assignment, are you pursing it? If you have not found your assignment, seek and you will find. In all, let us wake up and do what we have to do.

What exactly are you here for?
